AlphaBatem Land

AlphaBatem Land is an area of tiles within the AlphaBatem universe that can be obtained and built on. Land comes in varying sizes, dimensions and locations. AlphaBatem's unique design offers players the flexibility of settling wherever they choose. As the base oasis expands, more land will become available to be built on.

AlphaBatem Virtual Oasis

The NFT Marketplace and ecosystem allows developers, games, and users to tap into AlphaBatem and access lucrative earning opportunities. Oases are tokenised virtual real estate assets that come in various styles, locations, themes and dimensions. Owners are free to place any items in their Oasis and can import their ownNFTs using the NFT importer.

All users within AlphaBatem can access and create an Oasis of a set size. These apartments are themed based on the location of the apartment chosen. Access to other locations is unlocked via reaching specific level thresholds within tower battles.

AlphaBatem Blocks

Within AlphaBatem, a "Block" represents a single cuboid tile within an Oasis of a given size. Blocks are the base unit used when importing NFT assets to ensure they are correctly sized and imported into the platform. These blocks also act as a spatial validator for any imported models within the Oasis with a finite number of blocks.

Mystery Boxes

Mystery Boxes provide a wide array of NFT items to kit out users’ virtual oasis. These include the micro assets, enhanced NFTs, and other themed or limited edition assets that become available.

Users will have the opportunity to obtain rare AlphaBatem NFT assets from limited-time NFT Loot Boxes via the AlphaBatem Lootbox lucky draw, only accessible to token holders in-game. Loot Boxes can be opened enabling Play-to-Earn or exchanged for ABTM tokens.

Augmented Reality Wearables and Items

AlphaBatem items and wearable collections allow the user to equip the items in-game and Augmented Reality.

Example Categories

  • Avatars (customised clothing, profiles, etc.)  

  • Pets

  • Accessories (wearables, objects, glows, etc.)

  • Decorations (wall, floor and land decorations, artworks, animations, scripted items, sprites, etc.)

  • Vehicles/Mounts

  • Buildings

Land Units

The AlphaBatem Map is a 424x424 grid of land tiles, ranging from -212 to 212 with the tiles ranging from -10 to 10 belonging to AlphaBatem and acting as a central city. By purchasing a land tile a user is entitled to build a building and utilise the AlphaBatem Oasis services along with a variety of other benefits listed below;

Total Tiles: 179,776


  • Build on the owned land.

  • Rent out the building's Oasis capacity for events.

  • Specify advertising spots within and around their building.

  • Users can upgrade their buildings by staking additional land tiles to unlock higher tiered rewards.

Tier Rewards

Tier rewards are unlocked every three tiers and provide additional user benefits. For example, each time a user upgrades their building by staking other lands, they get an additional allocation of Oasis space.

  • 3x3

    • Small Logo on Land Map

    • Medium Buildings available

  • 6x6

    • Large Logo on Land Map

    • Large Buildings available

  • 9x9

    • Animated Logo on Land Map

    • SkyScraper Buildings available

  • 12x12

    • Animated Logo on Land Map

    • Direct teleport to a location

    • Stadium Buildings available

    • Event streaming enabled

  • 15x15

    • Ability to found a City

City Benefits

If a user owns a 12x12 chunk of land, they can become a founder of a City. A city has additional benefits on top of existing tier rewards

  • Private AlphaBatem API Access

  • Cities will show up on the City Explorer

  • An Oasis the size of the total Oasis tiles staked can be created (Min Oasis City is 9216 tiles)

  • Tiles within the City Oasis can be rented out to other users

  • Cities can add Advertising overlays into the city

  • City Owners can add custom buildings and Objects into their cities

  • City-wide multiplayer and Chat functionality

Founding a City

  • Player/Guild must own 144 Land Tiles located next to each other

  • Player/Guild Stakes their Land tiles

    • Solana Program controls the minting of a city

    • City LP tokens provided to landowners

      • Used as a governance token within the City DAO for setting policy and decisions

    • Cities must be created with enough SOL to cover rent exemption

  • City Owner can now name their city and add an Icon

Last updated